bikes. barre3. bulldogs.

Now you've really done it

July 5, 2012
So, I had been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while, originally to avoid sending multiple emails to family and friends to reassure them that I am alive and actually enjoying myself in the desert. I put the whole project on the back burner after I spent too much time trying to get it to look the way I wanted it to and it still wasn't quite right. However, since I am graduating in 5 weeks I decided now was the perfect time to take on a new project! So obviously, it is going to take me some time to actually get into a groove and start posting consistently. The other aspect of writing down my adventures is to keep a journal of what I have done and what I want to do! Otherwise, school would dominate my thoughts and I would have no way of remembering what I had accomplished.


  • Post things that I like, so if I ever have money, I can actually remember things I want to buy
  • Post things I do, to share with everyone!
  • Post things I want to do, so maybe I can get some advice?? Help a sister out here!
So there are my aims in blogging, and hopefully my writing skills improve slightly along the way! I can use all the help I can get!!

As for now, I am just finishing up my community rotation in nursing school and then heading back to the hospital to finish my last few weeks on an orthopedic floor. The job search is on, but no news yet! I'll try to keep it up to date!

This is a photo of Cody and I at his family friend's wedding this last weekend. I think we look quite sassy!

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