After leaving Budapest, we arrived in Salzburg and found our next rental apartment which was conveniently located near the Cafe Tomaselli, the most famous cafe in Salzburg. After dropping our bags. We headed to the art museum, which has an elevator up to a restaurant that overlooks the city. We enjoyed a drink at the outlook and plotted the rest of our stay. We ate in a beer garden in one of the pavilions in town and loved every bite of it!
We started the next day at the cafe where I enjoyed a delicious latte, and we met Cody's mom and sister to visit the Salzburg Fortress. Cody and Calley really enjoyed the history and exploring the grounds. That afternoon, we went to partake in the Frauline Maria bike tour which tours Salzburg via all the Sound of Music sites all while listening the movie soundtrack. Corny and AMAZING! We saw the Abbey, the house, the gazebo and literally frolicked the hills! I can't say enough about it, I really loved every moment, except for when I ate sh*t riding my bike. We met some Canadian's on the tour who we went to dinner at Augustiner Bräu with, and who convinced Cody and I to buy lederhosen and dirndl for Oktoberfest.
Our last Austrian morning was resolved for an brisk hike on top of the Austrian mountains. Cody wanted to take a gondola up the mountains to explore a bit, so we did just that. I did not love the gondola, but the views were well worth it.
After our little hike about, it was time to seal the trip with a kiss, in the form of lots of beer. AKA: OKTOBERFEST!
We took the train to Munich where we met Mike and Kelly. They took us back to the apartment and we all went out to a really nice Italian dinner. We ate and drank and just laughed! We had a plan for a Munich walking tour in the morning, followed by Oktoberfest tents. It was raining all weekend which we think worked in our favor to keep some of the crowds down. After our walking tour, we came back to the apartment and got dressed in our German gear for the festivities. We headed down and to our wet dismay, the tents all looked full. By some weird fluke, Cody saw and opening at the Schottenhamel tent (Spatenbräu). AND WE GOT IN! It was by far, one of the most fun experiences of my life. We sat with some German teens (who can legally drink) who taught us all the songs and we all danced and sang and drank beer by the litre and ate pretzels for dinner! We are still talking about it weeks later.
We ventured back down that way to explore some of the other tents like Paulaner and Haufbräu Haus, which were beautiful, but not as much fun as our magic night. Soon it was time for us to part ways for our travel back to the US.
Truly a magical trip, I am already plotting my return.
Until then, PROST!
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