bikes. barre3. bulldogs.

2016: New Year, New Goals

January 13, 2016
Like the rest of the world, at the start of each new year, I set new goals. Some of which are achievable, some of which MAY be, and some that are doomed from the beginning. This year, I forced myself to not set as many goals. 2015 was amazing as it was, completed goals, failed goals, and some in between. So this year, my biggest aim is to live in the moment and enjoy new experiences as they come along. To be appreciative of my gifts and maximize my joy.

2016 has gotten off to a great start. I got certified as a barre3 instructor! I've started teaching classes a few days a week in addition to working 2 days a week on a new unit at a new hospital. I am now working at Banner University Medical Center- Tucson on a cardio-thoracic surgery unit. And I have to say, I am loving it! My work-life balance is much better, and I have more time for family. Barre3 has been such a huge part of my life for the last year and change, and I have been able to get deeper into my own health journey through becoming an instructor. It has also been amazing to be surrounded by strong women with like minded values.

Cody just got back from a week in Vegas, (I know, rough life) where he navigated his way through the Consumer Electronics Show for work. From the sound of it, he saw some really neat stuff.

Now we are just trying to enjoy being home, getting back into the post Holiday swing of things with Fitz, get some chores accomplished, and enjoy the nice weather in Tucson! First up, hang our wedding photos.

Until next time,

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