bikes. barre3. bulldogs.

EPIC fail

February 17, 2013
I realize after writing a post about how I am going to be better about updating, I probably should actually be better about updating. EPIC fail. Honestly, all I have been doing is working and trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can from the experienced nurses I am with before I am let loose on my own! Therefore, I have very little free time for fun. However, I start my one-on-one preceptorship next week where I work with the same nurse on their schedule for about 3 weeks and then I am officially on my own. What is my point you ask? I am going to 3, 12 hour shifts starting a week from today! WOO to free time! I'll be working the night shift, which means 7pm-7am and am trying to figure out the best plan for switching back and forth. I have a tentative plan to "nap" the day I go in from about 2-5pm and try a coffee around midnight, then come home and sleep a full 7-8 hours after my shift if I'm working a second night, or just 4-5 hours if I'm off the next day. Hopefully it will work out well!

In the last 2 months, other than working, I have just been shopping and organizing. I made a budget for myself, cleaned out my drawers, organized my makeup and jewelry and bought some new clothes. I have been going to the gym more regularly which has been good, and Cody and I went to Sedona! I'll try to post next week as I want to go to the rodeo next weekend! Sorry I've been such as slacker!

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