One of these days, I will finally get into the routine of posting weekly, or even, GASP, twice a week. Today is not that day. But instead of just blowing it off to work or activities, I actually do have an excuse, but we won't spend too much time dwelling on it. I was hospitalized on the 20th of January for new onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and hyperglycemia. I was just too damn sweet! It was a surreal experience being on the patient side of the hospital journey to say the least. For those of you not familiar with Type 1 DM, basically my pancreas is on permanent hiatus, and therefore does not produce any insulin to help my cells take up the sugar from the food I eat. What does this mean, you ask. I have to give myself insulin injections a few times a day and check my blood glucose levels to make sure I'm where I should be, and my blood sugar does not go too high or low which can make me sick. Moral: the last three weeks have been consumed with nutrition, PCP, and endocrinologist appointments, and trying to adapt to a normal routine with a totally manageable, albeit annoying disease. So cut me a little slack :) To say I am fortunate is an understatement. I have wonderful co-workers, awesome friends, the best- best friend in the world, and a boyfriend who continually amazes me with his support, kindness, and patience in me figuring all this out. Emily and Cody have gone to all my appointments, and have listened when I have become overwhelmed, and have made sure to obtain all the information they need to help me figure all this out. I am where I am because of these people, and I thank God everyday for the love and guidance they all provide me on a daily basis.
In the hospital, pouting about breakfast. |
Since we are not dwelling on the negative today, we are going to also talk about the WONDERFUL move of my lovely roommate Jacque! She moved this weekend to Washington to be with her fiance! I am already missing her, but so excited for her to start this chapter of her life. We were able to celebrate with her this past weekend, and had a blast! This weekend I spent with Emily! Friday night, we went out with Austino, and stayed at Emily's house and had breakfast in the AM. We also hit up the gem show, and then the UA basketball game with Austin and Cody today! So much together time! I am so grateful for my little family here!!
Love ya Jac! |
Celebrating! |
My girl :) |
Austino! |
Bra thief's punishment |
UA vs Oregon State |
Family time! |
Loves <3 |
I truly am thankful for everyone's support and kindness this past month, and am looking forward to adjusting to a normal life :)