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2014- Let's be rational

January 6, 2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone was celebrating for me as I was at work (wah wah). Don't fret though, Adam and I made up for it by having our own New Year's fiesta on January 2nd at 0723! We drank, ate and laughed until we both passed out, sometime after noon. Holiday recap: My parents came to Tucson and we had a blast! Lots of together time, walking the "river" path, and relaxing. We walked through Winterhaven which is this neighborhood that does this big light festival and had a fancy dinner before they left on the 26th and I headed in to work 6 days out of the next 7. Fast forward through work work work, and I have been slothing around occasionally going to the gym and working my way through season 1 of Sex in the City with Emily before she heads back to work tomorrow. Literally, I am in heaven. Alas, every week cannot be filled with tv watching and friend time, but I can't say I didn't wish it so. I have VERY MUCH enjoyed my downtime, and Cody and I have been able to catch up from his long holiday trip home and to Miami for New Years with friends. All in all, I've been spoiled. Back to the grind Wednesday, although hopefully with a new schedule (still night shift, just different days). 

Happy 2014,