Hello All!
After last post, my life slowly returned to "normal" and the whole Diabetes thing is definitely becoming more routine, which is slightly disturbing. I feel like it is just another part of my day, which is what I really needed. I am super lucky to have two extra sweet players on my team on this sugary journey (in addition to my awesome friends/family who have have their own functioning pancreas). First of all, my diabetic sherpa, Brian, has literally been my lifesaver. He is not only encouraging when it gets frustrating, he is a vat of knowledge on all things Type 1. Cody and I were super lucky to make great friend in college, including Brian, and it continues to show into adulthood when we can just call/text and pick up where we left off. Seriously, so lucky! Player 2, my new friend Bill, who was also my nurse! He had the same exact thing happen to him an month after me! Let me start this by saying, if I could have done anything to prevent him from joining my team, I definitely would have. That being said, it is super (!!!) comforting having someone to figure all this out with. We've been able to bounce stuff off each other, and sort through how to deal with everything from pumps to endos, to the in betweens. It definitely is an instant friendship/bonding kind of situation. I got my pump in the mail yesterday which is super exciting and daunting all at the same time! So crazy to think how far this has all come. I have to do some training with the whole thing, but then, I should have some semi-freedom! So sweet it is!
New pump! |
Some of the many many boxes |
Enough about the beetus. I have had SOOO much friend time this month! Unreal!I had lunch with my friend Jeff, and then Emily, Austin, Cody and I did a semi-Valentines dinner on the 13th which was a blast. We biked along the river path to dinner, ate together and biked back. On the 14th, Emily and I ate dinner together before work, very romantic :). Emily and I watched the Bachelor with Pax, and I also went to dinner with friends before work on the 17th. I flew home to celebrate Papa B turning 60 and spent lots of family time! He is seriously the best! We got Cuban food in Detroit while I was home, so delicious! After I got back, Cara, Hayley and I had one of our group lunches before I had to work (surprise, surprise). Later that week, Cody and I did dinner with my friend Jeff and his wife which is always a good time. We also went to Cara and Jeremy's for a dinner/drinks session with Hayley and her boyfriend, Brad. This weekend included a night out with Hayley, Lacey and Brad, downtown time seeing a bike race with Cody, a end of the OVMTB (Oro Valley Mountain Bike) team barbeque, and happy hour with nursing friends. Hayley, Lacey and I have kept on top of our rigorous work out regime doing lots of yoga, spin and runs. We are beat. It has been a great month all things considered! The next few weeks include birthday dinners, conferences for work, and a party/bar crawl. More on that later :)
Sophie and I out for a walk! |
Pax hates Juan Pablo too ;) |
Lacey and I, seriously she is the prettiest! |
Gio Taco |
Pueblo Grand Prix |
Cartel date with H |
Cara's jambalaya! |
Cara! |
Stud turns 60! |
Lola's new lovie |
Paxster |
Lover boy! |
Hayley, Cara, Floyd |
Valentines date <3 |
Austin is so excited! |
Until next time,