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October 28, 2012
First full week of 3-11 pm work was rough! I never thought of myself as a morning person, but I guess I kind of am. I do like having the morning to pack healthy food and run errands, and grab Starbucks without the rush. Adjusting to work life versus school life has been very strange. I find that after I finish a task or activity, I don't know what to do next. I gave myself last week to adjust, and this week, I'm aiming to make more of a schedule with hitting the gym and reading my new book for a book club I'm attempting to start with some friends. Last weekend, Cody and I spent a lot of "together time" as he went out of town Wednesday to spend time with his friend, Mike, in Ohio. We watched lots of football on Saturday, and then went to see Argo in the evening. Admittedly, I had low expectations as it isn't my kind of flick, but it was really good! Sunday, we biked to the farmer's market and picked up some yummy produce, and came back and had lunch together! We finished off the evening making dinner together as well!
English cucumbers, french baguette with tomatoes and goat cheese, and homemade roasted cauliflower cheddar cheese soup

This week was pretty much typical as far as work, although I'm now on the Emergency Department floor, working with experienced nurses and picking up my own patients (to an extent). It's very intimidating to be with people who have been doing this a while and are very fast and efficient! I'm learning so much everyday and hope to gain as much as I can out of this experience! After Cody left, I spent some time with my roommates, and then went to a Halloween party on Saturday night with my friends! I had a blast and have consequently spent today recovering and pulling my life together! I'm starting to really like Sundays because I feel like I get a lot done. I'm feeling very blessed today to have days like today to savor what I have and enjoy my life as it is right now. I think it'll be my new goal to hold onto that feeling throughout the week.

If you haven't already, check out my friend Sarah's blog at She always has something that inspires me! This week, it's her workout posts!! Time to get my butt into gear!


1st Week of School, Errr Work!!

October 16, 2012
Last week was my first week! Soooo exciting to finally put all of this hard work into action! This week was all training and orientation, but we were able to meet our ER new grad group which was awesome! The 7 of us really get along well and we have really gelled well so far! The first week focused on how Tucson Medical Center functions and wants things done. Cool things I found out that I did not know:

  • TMC is the only non-profit hospital in Tucson (rock-on!)
  • The ER new-grad program was recently redesigned and incorporates tons of interdisciplinary education!
  • TMC new grads actually are enrolled in a residency program for a full year
Needless to say I am so grateful to be working for such an awesome organization! Emily and I have really enjoyed our first week as nurses wearing our carribean blue scrubs and walking around with our heads high not as students anymore! It is very comforting having such a great friend to go through this whole process with! I was also able to see one of my best girls Sunny this weekend and catch up with her. It was the perfect cap-off to this first week and I am really looking forward to having more time to spend with her!

So far, this week has been more orientation, but geared toward the ER which is more enjoyable because it has relevance. Friday will be our first 3-11pm day and we will actually be on the floor shadowing the core nurses!! EEEEK!

Until then,

Entering adulthood

October 4, 2012
Eek! I passed my boards!!! I am now, Lauren Blackley MSN, RN!! This means that I start my job on Monday and I am now officially, officially entering adulthood! Cody has been very supportive through all of this latest craziness and the day I took the test was no exception! He took me out to dinner to celebrate being done and he made me feel really loved :) Not unusual for him, but special none the less. The days before the test, we had a wedding for two of our friends which was fun and very true to the couple.

 The Sunday immediately before the test, my roomies and I picked up new couches from two friends who generously donated them to our bare house! Now we are able to have people over to visit! This is going to come in very handy with the roomie's significant others coming to visit next weekend! Full house!

After the test, I went back to Michigan for a week to relax and spend some time with my mom and my family. I was able to do a ton of good shopping with my mom, and spend some quality time with my grandma. I got some great new Sperry's that I am in LOVE with and went to a yummy dinner with Mimi!! My mom and I made soup and watched movies and I feel like I got a nice rest that I really needed after all the hard work over the last year and a half.

Nate, Emily, and K Shea

Angela, Me, and Kuma

Angela and Kelly

 I was also able to spend some time with my friends from home. They always make me  laugh and I always have fun with them. My friend Kelly Shea and I spent a whole night watching TLC and laughing at Secret Princes. We also went to sushi as a family and laughed a ton at my mom and my brother. My mom also helped me buy new scrubs to start my new job which was something I really wanted to do with her. A trip home was definitely what I needed and I'm feeling much more at ease going into my new job and new career. This week has been pretty uneventful, although I have been going wedding dress shopping with my friend Cara! She has looked beautiful in everything and is going to have a tough time picking something when her mom comes to town!! I start my job Monday and I'm sure I'll have LOADS of stories once that starts!

Until next time,